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Aboriginal rights essay

Aboriginal rights essay

aboriginal rights essay

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Securing Higher Grades Costing Your Pocket? Book Your Course help at The Lowest Price Now! Aboriginal observance of time and measurement may sometimes cause concern or conflict in the workplace because it is often in contrast to non-Indigenous attitude to time. For example, a meeting may be due to start at a certain time, but it is not uncommon for an Aboriginal person to turn up long after that because they do not follow structured time and schedules.

They call this Koori time. Aboriginal English may be difficult to understand at first; you may need to have an interpreter present, so the person can express themselves in their chosen language, aboriginal rights essay. Indigenous people are more likely to respond to an indirect question than aboriginal rights essay direct one. They may feel suspicious about the reasons for blunt questions.

They may also not respond to a question where the answer is already known. Nonverbal communication is a natural part of Aboriginal communication. For instance, silence does not mean an Indigenous person does not understand; instead, they may be listening, thinking, aboriginal rights essay, remaining non-committal or waiting for community support or input. Time and trust may be required before people offer their opinion.

They may also prefer to defer to an older aboriginal rights essay more authoritative person. It is also usual for Aboriginal meetings to be punctuated by long periods of silence and thought.

In some Aboriginal cultures looking a person directly in the eye is considered rude or disrespectful. Likewise, pointing at a person when trying to emphasise something should be avoided, aboriginal rights essay. Indigenous people express their ceremonial and religious life through art, songs and dance. Art forms such as body painting, ground sculpture, bark painting, wood carving and rock painting and engraving can represent multiple meanings about Aboriginal ownership of the land and their relationships to ancestral beings.

Often these arts forms are believed to be manifestations of original ancestors who possessed special powers.

List twelve basic strategies that might be implanted to address the cultural factors that impact on aboriginal rights essay delivery. Race is one of the critical issues that impact aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, this causes lack of communication and also aboriginal rights essay and poor cultural awareness among service staff. Another would be cultural, cultural misunderstanding often occurs In response to language differences, various cultural expectations and interpretations may also cause misunderstandings which can result in workplace tension for example pitch or tone of voice may be misunderstood.

Land is also a critical issue for aboriginal people from their perspective cultural issues related to land, tradition and cultural difference can be factors for affecting relationships with non indigenous co workers and clients. For example aboriginal and Torres strait aboriginal rights essay may have a negative view of these interactions with government and private health, education, welfare and community service agencies because they are a part non indigenous systems.

A lack of understanding and acceptance of cultural differences between aboriginal and Torres strait islander people and the non indigenous population may contribute to a one size fits all approach to aboriginal rights essay delivery, aboriginal rights essay.

How can community or health service workers develop effective relationships with indigenous communities and the individuals in them? List aboriginal rights essay least eight strategies. Services providers should:. To establish the key aspects of cultural safety it will be necessary to consult with indigenous co-workers, community members and elders.

In words explain cultural safety, its importance to relationships between service providers and indigenous communities and how it can be integrated into your own work and workplace. Culturally safe service delivery is crucial in enhancing personal empowerment; and therefore should promote more effective and meaningful pathways to self-determination for Indigenous people.

Cultural safety relates to the fact that indigenous people often feel unsafe in the dominate cultures environment. The experience of the dominant society can be stressful and overwhelming for indigenous people, to the point where they feel threatened and unsafe.

To aboriginal rights essay dominate cultural environments culturally safe, schools, hospitals and other aboriginal rights essay provisions need to be culturally appropriate, so they do not offend the sensibilities of indigenous people, aboriginal rights essay. In many traditional cultures, a high sense of value is placed on building and maintaining relationships.

Taking a 'person before business' approach will help form this relationship and build rapport. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not speak English as their first language. Some also speak English in different dialects such as Kriol, Aboriginal English and Torres Strait Creole. Some general tips to overcome language barriers may include:.

In Western culture, emphasis is placed on time to meet deadlines and schedules. Time is perceived differently in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, as more value is placed on family responsibilities and community relationships.

Some non-verbal communication cues hand gestures, facial expressions etc. used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have different meanings in the Western context.

Be mindful that your own non-verbal communication will be aboriginal rights essay and interpreted. For example, aboriginal rights essay, feelings of annoyance may be reflected by your body language and are likely to be noticed.

Be conscious about the distance to which you are standing near a person, aboriginal rights essay. Standing too close to a person that you are unfamiliar with, aboriginal rights essay, or of the opposite gender, can make a person feel uncomfortable or threatened.

Aboriginal rights essay seek permission and explain to the person reasons why you need to touch them. Establish rapport first to make person feel comfortable. Silent pauses are used to listen, show respect or consensus. The positive use of silence should not be misinterpreted as lack of understanding, agreement or urgent concerns. Observe both the silence and body language to gauge when it is appropriate to start speaking.

Be respectful and provide the person with adequate time. Seek clarification that what was asked or discussed was understood. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, avoidance of eye contact is customarily a gesture of respect. In Western society averting gaze can be viewed as being dishonest, rude or showing lack of interest. Some but not all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may therefore be uncomfortable aboriginal rights essay direct eye contact, especially if unfamiliar.

To make direct eye contact aboriginal rights essay be viewed as being rude, disrespectful or even aggressive. To convey polite respect, the appropriate approach would be to avert or lower your eyes in conversation. This person does not have to be a blood relative or necessarily an Elder. Explaining may take time because of narrative communication aboriginal rights essay or due to linguistic differences. The person may be struggling to communicate what they are trying to get across.

Explain, in words, what cultural competence is and what it means in terms of integrating cultural safety into your own work and workplace. The way you work with people from each of these groups is important, as the relationships you develop with them are a reflection on you professionally, as well as on your workplace or organisation.

Think about how you speak, interact and behave when dealing with others and be considerate of their views, values and backgrounds. There are many ways to actively build good workplace relationships with others, aboriginal rights essay.

This often depends in part on who the person is, as well as your role in interacting with them. Two fundamental requirements are mutual respect and tolerance aboriginal rights essay diversity. In words explain why it is necessary for health service staff to demonstrate knowledge of and respect for the diversity of culture, skin and language groups, family structures, art and religion in indigenous cultures. How does this assist with ensuring that you work practices are grounded in awareness of yours own cultural bias?

Support your answer with, where possible, examples. You might need to undertake some extra research in order to do this. It is necessary that health service staff demonstrate both knowledge and respect for the diversity within Indigenous cultures for many reasons, aboriginal rights essay.

For example, if there is feuding amongst families a client may be absent or avoid contact with other clients who may be from the same family kin group so they cancel appointments or not turn up to the service until a resolution is made within the wider family kin group. By understanding and respecting community protocol, i. whether there are any ceremonies that may coincide when visiting the community service or if there is a death that coincides with an appointment can help the service staff have empathy and understanding of why that client has missed an appointment.

As there is such a diversity in language between different Aboriginal groups it can be very beneficial to learn 'Aboriginal English' however this should be discussed prior with the client to find out what they are most comfortable with and an interpreter made available if needed.

These carers usually give the most valuable history and will often act as spokesperson for the client so understanding this and directing questions to the person who holds this position with the family structure can be extremely beneficial. Within the service itself it important that Aboriginal art is displayed to ensure Aboriginal clients feel welcomed and comfortable using the facilities. Service providers need to understand how Indigenous people see themselves and why they see themselves as they do.

By doing this staff will have the respect and understanding needed to service their client in the best possible way, aboriginal rights essay. It is also important to sharing information and build relationships with community leaders and Indigenous run organisations who can provide valuable insight and information that will assist in the service delivery and the success of it. All the above are examples of being culturally aware and are extremely important when providing and building relationships with ATSI clients within the service.

How does this help with understanding the culture of others and of self? The following training packages are currently available:.

Customer Service in a Diverse Society formerly Safe Services Diverse Communities — Workshop to support frontline staff in their daily interactions and communication with consumers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Frontline staff will gain increased aboriginal rights essay of the impact of culture in health services and be able to identify the barriers impacting on access to services as a aboriginal rights essay of language and cultural barriers, aboriginal rights essay.

This workshop is suited to managers and leaders and provides participants with insights, knowledge and aboriginal rights essay to proactively manage the issues and challenges associated with leading a culturally diverse team. This workshop is for all Queensland Health staff and provides participants with insights, knowledge and strategies to proactively deal with issues and challenges associated with working in a culturally diverse team.

This workshop equips health aboriginal rights essay to understand the importance of including culture into assessment frameworks and the potential negative consequences if culture and language are not addressed.

In words explain how it is possible to identify communication issues and ensure they are addressed? Some general tips aboriginal rights essay overcome langauge barriers may include:, aboriginal rights essay. Explain in words, the benefits of engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interpreters and cultural brokers.

As well as using the services of an interpreter, Indigenous Australian liaison officer or a colleague with specialised skills, aboriginal rights essay are other professionals and specialists who can help you meet your duty-of-care responsibilities to service recipients. A cultural broker is a person aboriginal rights essay mediates between people of different cultural backgrounds for a particular purpose, such as reducing conflict or producing some kind of change.

The benefits of engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interpreters and cultural brokers they can help:. You might need to conduct your own research in order to do this.

It may increase their participation because they are viewing the centre and noticing how culturally informed we are and that we like to involve all cultures of different families in our daily program and experiences the educators plan with the children, aboriginal rights essay.

What does it mean to say that indigenous people need to be self-determining and to have some control over community services and programs?

WCLN - Aboriginal Rights

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aboriginal rights essay

Consult the Modern treaties – Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government agreements map to learn about the modern treaties in effect to date across Canada and search the Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System to find out more about each agreement, including the full text of the agreement and summary information. Use the name of the Indigenous group, agreement name or Robert Manne, 'In Denial: The Stolen Generations and the Right', The Australian Quarterly Essay, Issue 1, Schwartz Publishing, Peter Read, The stolen generations: the removal of Aboriginal children in New South Wales to , NSW Government Printer, Sydney, Digital marketing dissertation topics do my top masters essay on hillary. Billing specialist job description resume tips to write a childrens book. Sample resume for auditor position Essay on rights animal essay on homosexuality in jamaica 12 sentence essay fprmat critical appraisal of quantitative research essay resume formats in word

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