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Obesity research paper

Obesity research paper

obesity research paper

Oct 12,  · Nurse practitioners and the prevention and treatment of adult obesity—A White Paper of the American Nurse Practitioner Foundation (electronic version). Summer. Retrieved from; Araghi, M. H., Chen, Y. F., Jagielski, A., Choudhury, S., Banerjee, D., Hussain, S., Cited by: obesity epidemic in the United States and provides an overview of the associ-ated economic and health costs. The paper summarizes existing federal pro-grams and policies that address obesity and examines new and emerging policy strategies to battle the bulging American silhouette. Topics explored includeCited by: 11 Nov 10,  · Adult Obesity Research Paper Essay Introduction Obesity has become a global public health problem, affecting both rich and poor countries. Worldwide obesity rates have been increasing in the last two and half decades with the pandemic showing no signs of abating. Furthermore, there have been no efforts by different of combating the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

Adult Obesity Research Paper Essay -

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Narrative review based on literature searches of PubMed up to May with no date limits imposed.

Over one third of U. adults have obesity. Obesity is an increasing, global public health issue. Patients with obesity are at major risk for developing a range of comorbid conditions, including cardiovascular disease CVDgastrointestinal disorders, type 2 diabetes T2Djoint and muscular disorders, respiratory problems, and psychological issues, which may significantly affect their daily lives as well as increasing mortality risks.

In facilitating the process of losing weight for patients, nurse practitioners play an essential role. The World Health Organization WHO defines overweight and obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health WHO, a. Figure adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, obesity research paper.

Obesity is associated with a significant increase in mortality, with a life expectancy decrease of 5—10 years Berrington de Gonzalez et al. For a BMI of Reproduced with permission from NRC Research Press, from Kuk obesity research paper al. CVD, cardiovascular disease; NW, normal weight. The metabolic and cardiovascular aspects of obesity are closely linked.

Furthermore, central obesity defined by waist circumference is the essential component of the International Diabetes Federation IDF definition obesity research paper the metabolic syndrome raised triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol, raised blood pressure, and raised fasting plasma glucose; International Diabetes Federation, Obesity is also closely associated with OSA, obesity research paper.

To start, a number of the conditions associated with obesity such as insulin resistance Ip et al. The wide range of morbidities associated obesity research paper obesity represents a significant clinical issue for individuals with obesity. However, as significant as this array of risk factors is for patient health, the risk factors can be positively modified with weight loss. As was referred to earlier, children and adolescents are becoming increasingly affected by obesity.

There is also strong support in the literature for relationships between childhood obesity and asthma, poor dental health cariesnonalcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLDand gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD; Pulgaron, Further benefits may be evident with greater weight loss, particularly for dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension. Benefits of modest weight loss. Lines demonstrate the ranges in which weight loss has been investigated and shown to have clinical benefits.

Arrows indicate that additional benefits may be seen with further weight loss. Figure adapted from Cefalu et al. Reduction in cardiovascular mortality with modest weight reduction. Figure © Elsevier. Reproduced with permission from Li et al. Weight loss increased the likelihood of individuals reverting from prediabetes to normoglycemia DPP Research Group et al. Data indicate that weight loss is beneficial, although not curative, in patients with obesity who experience OSA.

Once these improvements in AHI have occurred, they seem to persist for some time, irrespective of a certain degree of weight regain. In one study, an obesity research paper mean weight loss of A study utilizing MRI scanning to examine the effects of weight loss on NAFLD has reported a reduction in liver fat from Obesity research paper an active role in addressing obesity through behavioral modifications or exercise can also reduce the symptoms of depression Fabricatore et al.

Despite the array of benefits, weight loss can also be linked with certain risks that may need to be managed. Gallstone formation is particularly associated with obesity research paper surgery when weight loss exceeds 1.

Structured lifestyle support plays an important role in successful weight management. This particular structured program, delivered in a primary obesity research paper setting, included initial assessment and goal setting, obesity research paper, an eating plan and specific lifestyle goals, personalized activity program, and advice about managing obstacles to weight loss.

Data from NWCR, From the outset, a patient's estimate of their obesity research paper weight loss may be unrealistic. Visual resources showing the health and wellness benefit of modest weight loss may thus be helpful Obesity research paper et al. This group lost a mean of Continued support from healthcare staff may help patients sustain the necessary motivation for lifestyle changes. It is important to consider a patient's education and environment when formulating a weight loss strategy as environmental factors may need to be challenged to help facilitate weight loss.

So it is possible that a family's genetic profile could contribute to eating choices. To address behavioral factors, it is important to ensure that families have appropriate support and information and that any early signs of weight gain are dealt with promptly. A healthy home food environment can help individuals improve their diet.

Family mealtimes are strongly associated with better dietary intake and a randomized controlled trial to encourage healthy family meals showed a promising reduction in excess weight gain in prepubescent children Fulkerson et al. Community health advocates have identified the failure of many families to plan meals or prepare food as a barrier to healthy family eating patterns Fruh, Mulekar, Hall, Fulkerson et al.

Meal planning allows healthy meals to be prepared in advance and frozen for later consumption Fruh, Mulekar, Hall, obesity research paper, Adams et al.

The initial and ongoing interactions between patient and nurse practitioner are keys for the determination of obesity research paper effective approach and implementation of a weight loss program and subsequent weight maintenance, obesity research paper. The initial interaction can be instigated by either the nurse practitioner or the patient and once the decision has been made to manage the patient's weight, the evaluation includes a risk assessment, a discussion about the patient's weight, obesity research paper, and treatment goal recommendations American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, Patients may struggle with motivation, and therefore, ongoing discussions around the health benefits and improvements to quality of life as a result of weight loss may be required American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, Treatment approaches encompass nonpharmacological and obesity research paper strategies; however, it is important to remember that any pharmacological agent used should be used as an adjunct to nutritional and physical activity strategies American Nurse Practitioner Foundation, Pharmacotherapy options for weight management are discussed further in the article by Golden in this supplement.

The importance of obesity management is underscored both by the serious health consequences for individuals, but also by its increasing prevalence globally, and across age groups in particular. These physiological effects ultimately lead to the development of a range of morbidities, including CVD, T2D, OSA, and certain cancers obesity research paper with many others, as well obesity research paper causing a significant impact on mortality.

In addition, weight loss reduces the risk for certain cancer types and has positive effects on most comorbidities including asthma, GERD, liver function, urinary incontinence, fertility, joint pain, and depression. Techniques such as motivational interviewing that focus on addressing resistance to behavioral change in a supportive and optimistic manner may help individuals in integrating these changes to allow them to become part of normal everyday life and thus help with maintaining the weight loss.

The authors are grateful to Watermeadow Medical obesity research paper writing assistance in the development of this manuscript. This assistance was funded by Novo Nordisk, obesity research paper, who also had a role in the review of the manuscript for scientific accuracy, obesity research paper.

The author discussed the concept, drafted the outline, commented in detail on the first iteration, made critical revision of later drafts, and has revised and approved the final version for submission, obesity research paper.

Disclosures Dr. Sharon Fruh serves on the Novo Nordisk Obesity Speakers Bureau. In compliance with national ethical guidelines, the author reports no relationship with business or industry that would post a conflict of interest.

Writing and editorial support was provided by Watermeadow Medical, and funded by Novo Nordisk. The copyright line in this article was changed on 9 August after online publication. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU, obesity research paper. National Library of Medicine Rockville Pikeobesity research paper, Bethesda MDUSA.

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Journal List Wiley-Blackwell Online Open PMC Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract.

Published online Oct doi: PMCID: PMC Sharon M. Fruh 1 College of Nursing, University of South Alabama, Obesity research paper, Alabama, Find articles by Sharon M. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Fruh, Email: ude.

amabalahtuos hurfs. Corresponding author. amabalahtuos hurfs. Received Apr 26; Revised Jul 20; Accepted Jul Copyright © The Authors. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Nurse Practitioners, obesity research paper. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

Methods Narrative review based on literature searches of PubMed up to May with no date limits imposed.

Conclusions Over one third of U. Keywords: Obesity, nurse practitioner communication, weight management, health, effects. Introduction Obesity is an increasing, global public health issue. The obesity epidemic The World Health Organization WHO defines overweight and obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health WHO, a.

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Obesity Research Paper - Research Paper Examples - iResearchNet

obesity research paper

Oct 12,  · Nurse practitioners and the prevention and treatment of adult obesity—A White Paper of the American Nurse Practitioner Foundation (electronic version). Summer. Retrieved from; Araghi, M. H., Chen, Y. F., Jagielski, A., Choudhury, S., Banerjee, D., Hussain, S., Cited by: Given childhood obesity rates, research has lately focused on the role of obesity in early life and subsequent adulthood disease. Obesity in childhood or adolescence has been associated with twofold or higher risk of adult hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke. A recent study pooling data from four child cohorts (aged 11 years at baseline with average year follow-up), observed that, Cited by: Jun 18,  · The BMI measure applies to all sexes and ages. It should be considered a rough guide that can enable one to know when they are at risk of obesity. This paper focuses on obesity as the main cause of health problems in the modern world. Overview. Obesity is regarded as one of the leading causes of death across the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

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