Eating Disorders Research paper. Eating disorders are considered critical attitudes, emotions, and eating behaviors. Minimized food intake, overeating, and the perceptions of body image, weight, and shape are some examples. There can be contributing factors Journal of Eating Disorders is the first open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing leading research in the science and clinical practice of eating disorders. It disseminates research that provides answers to the important issues and key challenges in the field of eating disorders and to facilitate translation of evidence into practice Take a look at some controversial eating disorder research topics and pick one. Probably nobody in your school has even though about writing a paper on any of these ideas: Anorexia nervosa’s portrayal in the media in the United States. Forced therapy in eating disorders in Eastern Europe
Eating Disorders Research Paper Examples | WOW Essays
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Eating Disorders 17, Followers. Papers People. Prevalence, correlates and comorbidities of feeding and eating disorders in a nationally representative sample of Iranian children and adolescents.
Save to Library. Psychometric properties of the SCOFF questionnaire Chinese version for screening eating disorders in Hong Kong secondary school students: A cross-sectional …. Background Eating disorders are affecting an increasing number of high school students in Western and Asian countries. The availability of an effective screening tool is crucial for early detection and prompt intervention. Objective The Objective The objective of this study was to examine Effectiveness of research paper on eating disorders group psychoeducation program for the treatment of subclinical disordered eating in women with type 1 diabetes.
The coexistence of type 1 diabetes mellitus and disordered eating is associated with poor metabolic control, poor adherence to diabetes treatment regimens, and increased risk of long-term diabetic complications. This study assessed This study assessed whether a six-session group psychoeducation program would improve metabolic control, diabetes treatment adherence, eating disorder symptomatology, and general psychopathology in women with coexisting type 1 diabetes and subclinical disordered eating.
Measurements were taken at baseline, post-intervention, and one month post-intervention. There were no significant differences in how the treatment group and wait-list control group changed over time. Between the first and second measurements, both groups demonstrated significant improvements in depression and general emotional distress. The results suggest that a six-session group psychoeducation program is no more effective than a wait-list control group for treating subclinical disordered eating in women with type 1 diabetes.
Further research is required to determine the most effective treatment for this population. Pictorial Adaptation of Stroop Measures of Body-Related Concerns In Eating Disorders. Patients with eating disorders were asked to color-name pictures of a variety of body shapes. The time taken to color-name these stimuli was compared with the time taken to color-name a series of neutral visual stimuli. There was a There was a significant delay in naming body shapes in comparison to neutral stimuli, and this delay was greater in anorexic and bulimic patients than in controls.
Previous Stroop adaptations have used verbal stimuli to assess the intensity of weight and shape-related concerns. The possible advantages of pictorial stimuli are discussed. To develop a Portuguese short form, the Eating Attitudes Test EAT was administered to a community sample of female students and to a clinical sample of 63 females suffering from an eating disorder.
With the EAT responses of With the EAT responses of the community sample a factor Eating-Related and comorbid symptoms in premenarchal anorexia nervosa. The major purposes of this study were a to assess the applicability ofDSM-III-Rcriteria to premenarchal cases of anorexia nervosa ANb to delineate comorbid conditions, and c to ascertain parent-child agreement on report of The major purposes of this study were a to assess the applicability ofDSM-III-Rcriteria to premenarchal cases of anorexia nervosa ANb to delineate comorbid conditions, and c to ascertain parent-child agreement on report of symptoms.
Disagreement between patient and parent was substantial. Results indicate that the presenting features of AN in children are similar to those in adolescents and adults, but highlight the need to combine information fmm parent and child in making a diagnosis.
Subtypes of OCD and their relation to research paper on eating disorders with group A streptococci]. The present review describes the theory of a spectrum of obsessive-compulsive disorders OCD.
This spectrum includes such disorders as trichotillomania, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, and possibly pervasive developmental This spectrum includes such disorders as trichotillomania, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, and possibly pervasive developmental disorders.
Furthermore, it seems to be more genetically determined and have more significant deviations, as measured by neuro-imaging studies, than has OCD with an adult onset.
The PANDAS theory paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections is described. This subtype of OCD is, still on a speculative basis, connected to infections with beta-haemolytic streptococci, research paper on eating disorders.
There are s Sexual and gender minority individuals report higher rates of abuse and more severe eating disorder symptoms than cisgender heterosexual individuals at admission to eating disorder treatment. Determinants of disordered eating behaviors among Israeli adolescent girls. Eating behaviors were assessed by a modified SCOFF questionnaire in a National representative cross-sectional study among Israeli schoolgirls. The mean age was Thirty percent met the criteria for disordered eating.
Being Jewish Being Jewish or underweight reduced the odds for disordered eating. The following increased the risk: dieting, early onset of menarche, being overweight or obese, and suffering from constipation. School socio-economic status, physical activity, and smoking status were not contributory. These results help identify possible interventions to prevent the development of disordered eating behaviors. Validity and utility of the DSM-5 severity specifier for binge-eating disorder.
To test both the concurrent and predictive significance of the new DSM-5 severity specifier for binge-eating disorder BED in adult outpatients. Existing data from adults with DSM-5 BED who received evidence-based treatment Existing data from adults with DSM-5 BED who received evidence-based treatment manual-based cognitive-behavioral therapy in an outpatient setting were re-analysed to examine whether these patients sub-grouped according to the DSM-5 severity levels, defined by the frequency of binge-eating BE episodes, would show meaningful differences in a range of variables of clinical interest assessed at pre-treatment and end-of treatment abstinence from BE.
Participants categorized with mild Out of body, out of space: Impaired reference frame processing in eating disorders. A distorted body representation is a core symptom in eating disorders EDsthough its mechanism is unclear. Allocentric lock theory, emphasising the role of reference frame processing in body image, suggests that ED patients may be Allocentric lock theory, emphasising the role of reference frame processing in body image, suggests that ED patients may be b locked to an allocentric representation of their own body stored in long-term memory e, research paper on eating disorders.
Employing a well-validated virtual reality-based procedure, relative to healthy controls, ED patients showed deficits in the ability to refer to and update a long-term stored allocentric representation with egocentric perceptual-driven inputs.
Anorexia nervosa: long-term outcome in 50 female patients. SummaryFifty consecutively referred female patients with anorexia nervosa were followed-up to identify those completely healthy at a minimum of four years mean eight years since onset.
As well as using…. Parental Factors, Mass Media Influences, and the Onset of Eating Disorders in a Prospective Population-Based Cohort. Parental factors, mass media influences, research paper on eating disorders, and the onset of eating disorders in a prospective population-based cohort. Ninety new cases of eating disorders according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria were identified during the follow-up.
In the multivariate logistic analysis, a higher risk of In the multivariate logistic analysis, a higher risk of incident eating disorder was found for several exposures Regulating "untrustworthy patients": Constructions of "trust" and "distrust" in accounts of inpatient treatment for anorexia.
Trust has been seen as a lynchpin of therapeutic relationships. This article draws on qualitative data from 14 semi-structured interviews with women who have experience of inpatient research paper on eating disorders for anorexia in order research paper on eating disorders analyse how trust and distrust figured in treatment contexts. The main aim of this study was to assess research paper on eating disorders level of agreement between the Eating Disorders Examination EDE and its self-report version EDE-Q on key items in a clinic sample of patients with bulimia nervosa, research paper on eating disorders.
A second objective was to A second objective was to assess the concordance between self-reported and objective body weight in the sample. Sixty females who met DSM-IV criteria for bulimia nervosa purging type participated.
Fifty-seven of them completed both the EDE research paper on eating disorders the EDE-Q. Self-reported weight was obtained during a telephone screening interview. Objective weight was subsequently measured at an assessment about a week later.
The EDE generated higher scores than the EDE-Q for the frequency of objective binge and vomiting episodes. The two methods produced equivalent results for subjective binge episodes, laxative and diuretic misuse, and concerns about shape and weight. The self-report method underestimated body weight.
These findings suggest that some core features of eating disorders are mo Related Topics. Body Image. Follow Following. Eating Disorders and Body Image.
Critical Social Research. Clinical Psychology. Anorexia Nervosa, research paper on eating disorders. Ads help cover our server costs. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer, research paper on eating disorders. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
Eating disorders: a mental illness, not a lifestyle choice - Viveca Lee - TEDxMcGill
, time: 11:33Eating Disorders Research Paper Example - EssayEmpire
Take a look at some controversial eating disorder research topics and pick one. Probably nobody in your school has even though about writing a paper on any of these ideas: Anorexia nervosa’s portrayal in the media in the United States. Forced therapy in eating disorders in Eastern Europe Eating disorders in adolescents: a background paper. Eating disorders in adolescents: a background paper. Eating disorders in adolescents: a background paper J Adolesc Health. Jun;16(6) doi: /X(95) Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Review MeSH terms Cited by: Eating Disorders Research Papers. Words | 5 Pages. “All eating disorders can lead to irreversible and even life-threatening health problems, such as heart disease, bone loss, stunted growth, infertility, and kidney damage” (Best-Boss 27)
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