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Stanford roommate essay

Stanford roommate essay

stanford roommate essay

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Stanford roommate essay

Admissions and test prep resources to help you get into your dream schools. Stanford roommate essay Stanford roommate essay allows your child to reveal who they are as a person. The roommate essay is notorious for its unusual premise—write a letter to your future roommate—that many applicants find difficult to tackle. Thank you! Your guide is on its way. In the meantime, please let us know how we can help you crack the the college admissions code. You can also learn more about our 1-on-1 college admissions support here.

By including the roommate essay prompt, Stanford is looking to see what qualities besides excellent grades, test scores, and extracurriculars your child will bring to campus. In other words, Stanford wants to know how your child will contribute and fit into student life. Write essays that reflect who you are and write in a natural style. We also stanford roommate essay to caution your child against writing only about what kind of roommate they would be. Remember that Stanford is signaling something about itself, as an institution, even as it asks your child to do the same.

Social skills matter. Who are you, stanford roommate essay, and why should we let you not only into the school, but also into the club? Instead, to write a standout roommate essay, we recommend that your child focus on personal, intimate details about themselves. For example, maybe your child is a total coffee nerd and brews their own pour-over every morning. Here are some questions to help your child brainstorm what those details might look like:.

What about you would surprise other people? This could take the form of an interest, stanford roommate essay, a habit, or a goal.

And is it something appropriate to share on a college application?! What daily routines do you have? What do you like to do for fun or to relax other than extracurricular activities? Do you have a secret or unique way of talking to your friends? What are you most excited about sharing with a new friend or roommate? Once your child has come up with a handful of compelling personal details, they should then spend some time writing out the motivations or reasons behind these habits, examining what connective tissue exists between them.

A great roommate essay should also point to a larger framework or context that illuminates something about stanford roommate essay your child is, stanford roommate essay. Oh, and parents should always give their children distance when letting them compose their college essays, but particularly here. This is a colloquial, social topic. Make sure your child feels equipped to get feedback by encouraging them to have older friends, a counselor, admissions advisor, or favorite teacher read the essay.

But this might be one where you need to step away in order to let their personality shine. Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommate—and us—get to know you better. My family and close friends will tell you, though, that once you get to know me, I have plenty to say. As an aspiring psychology and philosophy double major, long analytical conversations are truly my jam.

People fascinate me, so I love to talk with my friends about what everything from our favorite cereals to our phobias say about us by the way, that would be Rice Krispies and spiders—any interpretations?

I make sure to stanford roommate essay every night before bed and write down my dreams when I wake up. If you ever want to go to a museum or take a poetry class together, I would be delighted. I look forward to learning about what makes you you. What has Angelica done well in her roommate essay? Notice how she also manages to sneak in a few specific details of things she enjoys. Paragraph 2: Now we really start to get a sense of who Angelica is.

Though she does choose to write about how she enjoys something fairly common—long conversations with friends—she makes it unique to her by grounding the activity in her interests in psychology and philosophy. By also writing about her daily habits of journaling and recording her dreams, we totally get a picture of her as someone who naturally loves analysis and interpretation, even outside the scope of academic work.

Paragraph 3: In this paragraph, Angelica does a great job of moving seamlessly through a sequence of ideas. First, she expands even further upon why she loves long analytical conversations—she is interested in human expression.

Not only does this first sentence help explain the previous paragraph, it also sets up space for her to discuss other subjects and activities she enjoys like art and creative writing. In turn, by framing these interests as possible activities to do with her future roommate, stanford roommate essay, Angelica is able to then naturally write about how she hopes college will be a place to try new things. She gives the reader a sense not only of what she likes to do, but also why these things matter to her.

Through this, stanford roommate essay come to understand her personality. Angelica uses an easy, conversational tone with the occasional dash of light humor. She also takes advantage of the prompt to show humility and friendliness.

Rather, stanford roommate essay, it demonstrates that something ordinary can be interesting so long as your child is able to show why that topic reveals something important about who they are.

The roommate essay provides a unique opportunity for your child to demonstrate that they will bring more than just a great resume to Stanford, stanford roommate essay. With lots of brainstorming, self-reflection, and attention to detail, your child is also sure to find something distinctive to say.

Shirag Shemmassian is the Founder of Shemmassian Academic Consulting and one of the world's foremost experts on college admissions. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have helped thousands of students get into top programs like Harvard, Stanford, stanford roommate essay, and MIT using his exclusive approach.

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A guide to one of the trickiest college supplemental essays, with a full-length example. Introduction to the Stanford roommate essay What is Stanford looking for in the roommate essay?

Stanford roommate essay example. First Name. Last Name. Email Address. SEND ME THE GUIDE. Stanford roommate essay is Stanford looking for in the roommate essay? How to brainstorm Stanford roommate essay topics Here are some stanford roommate essay to help your child brainstorm what those details might look like: What about you would surprise other people?

What are your favorite inside jokes? Where do you and your friends go to stanford roommate essay off steam? Send me the guide. Sincerely, Angelica What has Angelica done well in her roommate essay? Final thoughts The roommate essay provides a unique opportunity for your child to demonstrate that they will bring more than just a stanford roommate essay resume to Stanford.

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Reading My ACCEPTED Stanford Supplemental Essays

, time: 18:34

How to Write the Stanford Roommate Essay + Examples

stanford roommate essay

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